Vromen, A., Halpin, D., and Vaughan, M. (2022) Crowdsourced Politics, Palgrave, Basingstoke, UK.
Halpin, D. and Nownes, A. (2021) The New Entrepreneurial Advocacy: Silicon Valley Elites in American Politics. Oxford University Press, New York.
Lowery, D., Halpin, D. and Gray, V., (eds) (2015), The Organization Ecology of Interest Communities: An Assessment and an Agenda, Palgrave, Basingstoke.
Halpin, D. (2014) The Organization of Political Interest Groups: Designing Advocacy, Routledge, Abingdon (UK). Available here
Halpin, D. and Jordan, G. (eds) (2012) The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics, Palgrave, Basingstoke. Available here.
Halpin, D., (2010) Groups, Democracy and Representation: Between Promise and Practice, Manchester University Press, Manchester. Available here.
Lockie, S., Lyons, K. Lawrence, G., and Halpin, D. (2006) Going Organic?, CAB International, Aldershot. Available here.
Halpin, D. (ed) (2005) Surviving Global Change? Agricultural Interest Groups in Comparative Perspective. Ashgate, Aldershot. Available here.
Book chapters
Halpin, D. (2015) ‘Interest Group ‘Policy Agendas’: What are They? And How Might We Study Them?’ in B. Loomis & A. Nownes (eds) Interest Group Politics (9th ed.), Congressional Quarterly Press/SAGE, Washington.
Halpin D. (2015) ‘Farm Protest and Militancy in Australia: Supporting or Undermining Interest Group Politics’, in Strijker, Terluin & Voerman (eds) Rural Protest Groups and Populist Political Parties, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningnen.
Halpin, D. (2015) ‘Still in the shadows? Interest Groups and Political Parties in the Australian Political System’, in A. Gauja, N. Miragliotta & R. Smith (eds), Resilient and Defiant: Reflections on Contemporary Australian Party Organizations, Monash University Press, Melbourne.
Marsh, I. and Halpin, D. (2015) ‘Parliamentary Committees, Inquiries, and the Public’ in B. Head and K. Crowley (eds) Policy Analysis in Australia: the State of the Art, Policy Press, University of Bristol.
Halpin, D. and Nownes, A. (2013) ‘Interest Groups in American Politics’.In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Rick Valley. New York: Oxford University Press. Available here.
Halpin, D. and Cintula, J (2013) ‘Interest, Public Policy and Deliberation’, in S. Elstub and P. McLaverty (eds) Deliberative Democracy: Issues and Cases, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Halpin, D. and Jordan, G. (2012) ‘Estimating Group and Associational Populations’, in Halpin, D. and Jordan, G. (eds) The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics, Palgrave, Basingstoke. Available here.
Halpin, D. Baxter, G. and MacLeod, I. (2012) ‘Multiple Arenas, Multiple Populations: Counting Organized Interests in Scottish Public Policy’, in Halpin, D. and Jordan, G. (eds) The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics, Palgrave, Basingstoke.
Jordan, G. and Halpin, D. (2012) ‘Conclusion’, in Halpin, D. and Jordan, G. (eds) The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics, Palgrave, Basingstoke.
Halpin, D. and Nownes, A. (2011) ‘Reappraising the Survival Question: Why We Should Focus on Interest Group Organizational Form and Careers’ in A. Cigler and B. Loomis (eds) Interest Group Politics (eighth edition), Congressional Quarterly Press, Washington D.C. Available Here.
Halpin, D. (2011) ‘Pressure Groups and Lobbying’, in R. Smith, A. Vromen, and I. Cook (eds) Contemporary Politics in Australia: Theories, Practices and Issues, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne.
Pyysiäinen, J., Halpin, D. and Vesala, K. (2011) ‘Entrepreneurial Skills Among Farmers: Approaching a Policy Discourse’ in Gry Agnete Alsos, Sara Carter , Elisabet Ljunggren and Friederike Welter (Eds) Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Rural Development, Edward Elgar, London.
Halpin, D. and McLaverty, P. (2010) ‘Legitimating NGO advocacy: The case of internal democracies’ in J.Steffek and K. Hahn (eds) Evaluating transnational NGOs: Legitimacy, Accountability, Representation, Palgrave, Basingstoke.
Cairney, P., Halpin, D, and Jordan, G. (2009) ‘ New Scottish Parliament, Same Old Interest Group Politics?’ in C. Jeffery and J. Mitchell (eds) The Scottish Parliament 1999-2009: The First Decade, The Hansard Society, London.
Halpin, D. (2009) ‘NGOs and Democratisation: Assessing variation in the internal democratic practices of NGOs’, in N. Crowson, James McKay and Matthew Hilton (eds) NGOs in Contemporary Britain: Non-state Actors in Society and Politics since 1945, Palgrave, Basingstoke.
Lockie, S., Halpin, D., and Pearson, D (2006) ‘Constructing the market for organic food’ in Kristiansen, P., Taji, A. and Reganold, J. (eds) Organic Agriculture: A Global Perspective, Canberra, CSIRO Publishing.
Halpin, D. (2005) ‘Agricultural Interest Groups and Global Challenges: Decline and Resilience’, in Halpin, D. (ed) (2005) Surviving Global Change? Agricultural Interest Groups in Comparative Perspective. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 1-30.
Halpin, D. (2005) ‘Digging Deep to Keep Their Clout: Agricultural Interest Groups in Australia’, in Halpin, D. (ed) (2005) Surviving Global Change? Agricultural Interest Groups in Comparative Perspective. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 141-163.
Halpin, D. (2005) ‘Conclusions: The Fate of Groups in a Globalizing Era’, in Halpin, D. (ed) (2005) Surviving Global Change? Agricultural Interest Groups in Comparative Perspective. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 215-239.
Halpin, D. and Martin, P. (1995) ‘Agrarianism and Farmer Representation: Ideology in Australian Agriculture’ in Lawrence, G., K. Lyons and S.Momatz (eds), Social Change in Rural Australia, Central Queensland University Press.
Journal articles
Halpin, D., and Lotric, A. (2024) ‘The Place of Political Experience in Lobbyist Careers: Decisive, Divergent or Diverse?’, European Journal of Political Research, 63 (1), 192-213.
Vaughan, M., Vromen, A., Porten-Chee, and Halpin, D. (2024) ‘The Role of Novel Citizenship Norms in Signing and Sharing Online Petitions’, Political Studies, 72 (1), 26-47.
Parsons, R., and Halpin, D. (2022) ‘Organised Interests and the Courts: Non-Party Access to the High Court of Australia Between 2012 and 2017’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 68(4): 544-65.
Grömping, M. and Halpin, D.R. (2021) ‘Do think tanks generate media attention on issues they care about? Mediating internal expertise and prevailing governmental agendas. Policy Sciences, 54(4): 849-66. Available Here
Ratcliff, S. and Halpin, D.R. (2021) ‘Dark money and opaque politics: making sense of contributions to Australian political parties’, Australian Journal of Political Science, 56(4): 335-57. Available Here
Bali, A. and Halpin, D.R. (2021) Agenda-setting instruments: means and strategies for the management of policy demands, Policy and Society, 40(3): 333-34. Available Here
Halpin, D., Fraussen, B. and Ackland, R. (2021) ‘Which Audiences Engage With Advocacy Groups on Twitter? Explaining the Online Engagement of Elite, Peer, and Mass Audiences With Advocacy Groups’, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50(4) 842-65.. Available Here
Fraussen, B., Halpin, D. and Nownes, A. (2021) ‘Why do interest groups prioritise some policy issues over others? Explaining variation in the drivers of policy agendas’, Journal of Public Policy, 41: 533-572. Available Here
Binderkrantz, A.S., Halpin, D.R. and Pedersen, H.H. (2020) ‘From policy interest to media appearance: Interest group activity and media bias’, International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(4), 712-731.. Available Here
Halpin, D. R. (2019) ‘Close cousins or false friends? Studying interest groups and INGOs’, Interest groups and Advocacy, 8(3), 480-9.
Groemping, M. and Halpin D. R. (2019) ‘Does group engagement with members constitute a ‘beneficial inefficiency’? Governance, 32(3),511-529. Available Here
Ackland, R. and Halpin, D.R. (2019) ‘Change or stability in the structure of interest group networks’, Journal of Public Policy, 39(2), 267-294. Available Here
Halpin, D., Vromen, A., Vaughan, M., and Raissi, M. (2018) ‘Online petitioning and politics: the development of in Australia, Australian Journal of Political Science, 53(4), 428-445. Available Here
Halpin, D., Fraussen, B., and Nownes, A. (2018) ‘The Balancing Act of Establishing a Policy Agenda: Conceptualizing and Measuring Drivers of Issue Prioritization within Interest Groups’, Governance, 31(2) 215-237. Available Here.
Fraussen, B. and Halpin, D.R. (2018). ‘How do interest groups legitimate their policy advocacy? Reconsidering linkage and internal democracy in times of digital disruption’. Public Administration. 96(1) 23-35. Available Here.
Halpin, D. and Fraussen, B. (2018) ‘Laying the Groundwork: Linking Internal Agenda-Setting Processes Of Interest Groups to Their Role in Policy Making’, Administration and Society, Early View. Available Here.
Fraussen, B., and Halpin, D. (2018) ‘Political Parties and Interest Organizations at the Crossroads: Perspectives on the Transformation of Political Organizations’, Political Studies Review. 16(1), 25-37. Available Here.
Halpin, D. and B. Fraussen (2017) ‘Conceptualising the policy engagement of interest groups: Involvement, access and prominence’, European Journal of Political Research, 56(3) 723-32. Available Here.
Binderkrantz, A., Halpin, D. and Chaques, L. (2017) ‘Diversity in the news? A study of interest groups in the news media in the UK, Spain and Denmark’, British Journal of Political Science, 47(3) 723-32. Available Here
Fraussen, B., and Halpin, D. (2017). Think tanks and strategic policymaking: the contribution of think tanks to policy advisory systems. Policy Sciences, 50(1), 105-25. Available Here. Winner of the 2017 Lasswell Prize for Best Article.
Fraussen, B., and Halpin, D. (2016). Assessing the Composition and Diversity of the Australian Interest Group System. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 75(4), 476-91. Available Here.
Halpin, D. and Warhurst, J. (2016) ‘Commercial lobbying in Australia: Exploring the Australian Lobby Register’, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 75(1) 100-11. Available Here. Winner of the 2017 Sam Richardson Award for Best Article.
Lowery, D., Baumgartner, F., Berkhout, J., Berry, J., Halpin, D., Hojnacki, M., Klüver, H., Kohler-Koch, B., Richardson, J., and Schlozman, K., (2015) ‘Images of an Unbiased Interest System’, Journal of European Public Policy 22 (8), 1212-123.
Halpin, D. and Daugbjerg, C. (2015) ‘Identity as Constraint and Resource in Interest Group Evolution: A Case of Radical Organizational Change’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 17(1), 31-48. Available Here.
Pedersen, H., Halpin, D. and Rasmussen, A. (2015) ‘Who Gives Evidence to Parliamentary Committees? A Comparative Investigation of Parliamentary Committees and their Constituencies, Journal of Legislative Studies. 21(3), 408-427. Available Here.
Halpin, D. and Thomas, H. (2012) ‘Evaluating the Breadth of Policy Engagement by Organized Interests’, Public Administration, 90 (3), 582-599. Available Here.
Halpin, D. and Thomas, H. (2012) ‘Interest group survival: Explaining sources of mortality anxiety’ Interest Groups and Advocacy, 1(2), 215-38. Available Here.
Halpin, D., MacLeod, I. and McLaverty, P. (2012) ‘Committee Hearings of the Scottish Parliament: Evidence-giving and Policy Learning’, Journal of Legislative Studies, 18 (1), 1-20. Available Here.
Halpin. D. (2011) ‘Organized Interests and Cascades of Attention: Unpacking Policy Bandwagon Dynamics’ Governance, 24(2), 205-30. Available Here.
Halpin, D., Daugbjerg, C., and Schwartzman, J. (2011) ‘Interest Group Capacities and Infant Industry Development: State-sponsored Growth in Organic Farming’ International Political Science Review, 32 (2), 147-66. Available Here.
Halpin. D. and Binderkrantz, A. (2011) ‘Explaining Breadth of Policy Engagement: Patterns of Interest Group Mobilization in Public Policy’ Journal of European Public Policy, 18 (2), 201-19. Available Here.
Daugbjerg, C., and Halpin, D. (2010) ‘Generating Policy Capacity in Emerging Green Industries: The Development of Organic Farming in Denmark and Australia’ Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 12 (2), 141-57. Available Here.
Halpin, D. and Jordan, G. (2009) ‘Interpreting Environments: Interest group response to population ecology pressures’, British Journal of Political Science, 39 (2), 243-65. Available Here.
McLaverty, P. and Halpin D. (2008) ‘Deliberative Drift: The Emergence of Deliberation in the Policy Process’, International Political Science Review, 29 (2), 197-214. Available Here.
Daugbjerg, C. and Halpin, D. (2008) ‘Sharpening up research on organics: Why we need to integrate sectoral policy research into mainstream policy analysis’, Policy Studies, 29 (4), 393-404. Available Here.
Halpin. D and Daugbjerg, C. (2008) ‘Associative Deadlocks and Transformative Capacity: Engaging in Australian Organic Farm Industry Development’, Australian Journal of Political Science, 43 (2), 189-206. Available Here.
Greenwood, J. and Halpin, D. (2007) ‘The European Commission and the Public Governance of Interest Groups in the European Union: seeking a niche between accreditation and laissez-faire’, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 8 (2), pp. 189-210. Available Here
McKinney, B. and Halpin, D. (2007) ‘Talking about Australian Pressure Groups: Adding Value to the Insider/Outsider Distinction in Combating Homelessness in Western Australia’ Australian Journal of Public Administration, 66 (3), pp. 342-352. Available Here.
Jordan, G. and Halpin, D. (2006) ‘The Political Costs of Policy Coherence? Constructing a Rural Policy for Scotland’, Journal of Public Policy, 26, pp 21-41. Available Here.
Halpin, D. (2006) ‘The participatory and democratic potential and practice of interest groups: Between solidarity and representation’, Public Administration, 84(4), pp. 919-40. Available Here.
Lockie, S. and Halpin, D. (2005) ‘The conventionalisation thesis reconsidered: structural and ideological transformation of Australian organic agriculture’, Sociologia Ruralis, 45 (4).
Hodgson, N., Buselich, K. and Halpin, D. (2005) ‘The WA Collaboration: Facilitating integration of sustainability issues in a community and civil society context’, Australian Journal of Environmental Management, 12, pp. 20-28.
Halpin, D. and A. Guilfoyle (2005) ‘The attribution of self amongst Australian family farm operators: Personal responsibility and control’ Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 36, (3), pp. 475-85.
Halpin, D. (2004) ‘Transitions between Formations and Organisations: A Historical Perspective on the Political Representation of Australian Farmers’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 50, (4), pp.469-490. Available Here.
Jordan, G. Halpin, D., and Maloney, W. (2004) ‘Defining Interests: Disambiguation and the Need for New Distinctions?’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 6, (2), pp. 195-212. Available Here.
Jordan, G. and Halpin, D. (2004) ‘Olson Triumphant? Explaining the growth of a small business organisation’ Political Studies, 52, (3), pp. 431-449. Available Here.
Halpin, D. (2004) ‘Involving Diverse Interests: Theoretical and Practical Insights from Native Vegetation Management in New South Wales, Australia’, Ecohealth, 1, (4), pp.196-204.
Halpin, D. and A. Guilfoyle, (2004) ‘Attributions of Responsibility: Rural Neoliberalism and Farmers’ Explanations of the Australian Rural Crisis’, Rural Society, 14, (2), pp.93-111.
Jordan, G. and Halpin, D. (2003) ‘Cultivating Small Business Influence in the UK: The Federation of Small Businesses’ Journey from Outsider to Insider’, Journal of Public Affairs, 3, (4), pp. 313-325. Available Here.
Halpin, D. (2003) ‘The Collective Political Actions of the Australian Farming and Rural Communities: Putting Farm Interest Groups in Context’, Rural Society, 13, (2), pp.138-156.
Halpin, D. (2002) ‘Interest Groups and (Re)establishing Stability in Policy Making: The Case of the NSW Farmers’ Association and the Native Vegetation Conservation Act’, Australian Journal of Political Science, 37, (3), pp.489-508.
Halpin, D. and Martin, P. (1999) ‘Farmer Representation in Australia: Avenues for Changing the Political Environment’, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 58, (2), pp.33-46. Available Here.
Halpin, D. and Martin, P. (1999) ‘Representing and Managing Farm Interests’, Sociologia Ruralis, 39, (1), pp.78-99.
Kay, R. and Halpin, D. (1999) ‘Redefining the Role of the Practitioner in Critical Systems Methodologies’, Systems Research and Behavioural Science, 16, pp.273-281.
Martin, P. and Halpin, D. (1998) ‘Landcare as a Politically Relevant Social Movement’, Journal of Rural Studies, 14, (4), pp.445-457.